Try ALL classes for 3 weeks + 3 PT Sessions with the Jungle Discovery

Find out more

We build strong humans

We help you move with confidence — 
strength, mobility & longevity

JB Five Dock members
"Pedro is an incredibly knowledgeable instructor, who makes everyone feel welcome. His focus on body awareness and technique is impressive - keeps us safe while training"

Liz Raciti, Five Dock

"Pedro brings such an amazing energy to the classes and the familiar environment makes you feel home. He is super patient with the kids and always pushing them to give that extra bit to excel in a fun and engaging way."


Fight - Lift - Move. Our Training Method incorporates these 3 spheres of practice to build all-round strong and resilient humans.

Bringing a generalist approach to training, our classes are inspired by elements of Gymnastics, Olympic Weightlifting, Martial Arts and Movement Culture, made accessible to any level of experience and skills. We are proud to host an inclusive and powerful community - Humans thrive working together.

Tired of the big gyms, with no human connection, and unhappy with how the "Fitness Industry" has been portrayed, Jungle has created something unique and remarkable - the Fight Lift Move Philosophy.

one on one

personal training

From Movement and Mobility, to Bodyweight Strength and Capoeira, Jungle Five Dock is home to a diverse range of world-class Personal Trainers.

PT is perfect for those wanting rapid progress, one-to-one accountability, or specialised programming.



This Brazilian Martial Art blends elements of Fight, Acrobatics, Music and Dance bringing a world of Movement, Creativity and Rhythm to kids and adults.

Jungle Five Dock is home to Australia’s elite Capoeira Coaches.

Capoeira dancers
Kids gym class


Jungle Kids was developed because we wanted an environment for kids to move and challenge themselves outside of the traditional sports and competition.

We help kids to move with skill in as many movement patterns as possible, in as many scenarios as possible.

Give your children the gift of strength, flexibility, balance and coordination so they can live a healthy life as an adult. Our program aims to build well-rounded, resilient kids who are confident in any domain.Kids will be climbing, jumping, twisting, throwing, pulling, pushing, crawling, playing… you get the picture!

join us



JB Foundation image

A solid foundation is required to build a quality structure. You can't build a castle on sand - you build it on a rock.
Our primary goal is that your training journey begins responsibly.

Before you jump into your first class, you’ll complete our Foundation Program. This program gives us an opportunity to assess your current level of strength and mobility, address imbalances and old injuries, and teach you the basic movements we use in class. It’s conducted in a one-to-one setting, over 3 x one hour sessions. These sessions can be booked at a time most convenient to you.


tribe membership

On completion of your Foundation Program, you can become a Tribe member. This membership is all inclusive. You’ll not only get access to all of our classes, but you get access to every single coach in this gym.

We consider each coach in this gym to be a mentor, and when you join our tribe, you connect with this team of mentors.

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Unlimited access to all classes

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Support of our entire coaching staff

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Ongoing accountability

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Tribe workshops and social events

the gym

Class timetable

the space

Our gym is an intelligently designed open-plan training space. Design and Function. Everything in our gym is there for a reason.

Every single piece of equipment has been selected to create a one of a kind space that provides the best training experience.

our classes

We offer more than 25 classes per week, covering a range of Fight, Lift, Move classes.

This unique training methodology necessitates an adaptable training space. Our space caters for everything from Ido Portal inspired movement games and mobility, through to olympic weightlifting and bodyweight strength training. We use only the highest quality equipment for the best possible training experience.

gym features

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Freestanding Rig

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Gymnastic rings

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Pro-grade kettlebells and dumbbells

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Olympic weightlifting equipment

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Movement-based equipment

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Plyo boxes

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Thai pads & Shields

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Brand new gym mats

Class timetable


What do I learn at the Foundations Program?
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The first steps into your training journey are guided by one of the elite coaches during 3 sessions 1:1, each session with a specific goal. This is the most responsible way to get you started providing coaching and mentorship to develop the basic skills and mindset needed.

1. Assessing your current level of flexibility, movement & strength.
2. Introducing the key movements used in our classes so you can feel confident when you start.
3. Safety using free weights, kettlebells and barbells.

How often should I train at the gym?
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We suggest a base of 3 classes per week. This is adequate in order to achieve most goals while also being manageable for a busy lifestyle.

We find that a consistent attendance of three sessions per week is suitable for the majority of our members. You can, of course, train much more than that if time permits.

What do I learn at the Foundations Program?
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The first steps into your training journey are guided by one of the elite coaches during 3 sessions 1:1, each session with a specific goal. This is the most responsible way to get you started providing coaching and mentorship to develop the basic skills and mindset needed.

1. Assessing your current level of flexibility, movement & strength.
2. Introducing the key movements used in our classes so you can feel confident when you start.
3. Safety using free weights, kettlebells and barbells.

want to find out more?

Contact us

Once you fill out the form below, we will call you within 24 hours for a no-obligation consult to learn about your journey, your vision and goals.

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Open Times
Mon to Fri:
6.00am to 8.00am
9.00am to 12.00pm
4.00pm to 8.00pm
Sat: 7.00am to 1.00pm
© 2023 Jungle Five Dock. All right reserved.